Business activities test laboratory:
The following tests on windows, doors and facade elements can be carried out using HFB‘ s test equipment:
- Type tests (CE marking/ AVCP system 3) on
- Windows and external doors according to EN 14351-1
- Glass in building - insulating glass units according to EN 1279-5
- Thermal insulation - Performance of tests according to DIN EN ISO 8990:Determination of thermal transmittance properties in steady-state conditions
- Thermal behaviour of windows, doors and closures: Calculation of the thermal transmittance according to DIN EN ISO 10077: Numerical method for frames
- Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters - Performance of tests according to DIN EN 12412-2: Determination of the thermal transmittance by the hot-box method - Frames
- Thermal performance of windows and doors - Performance of tests according to DIN EN ISO 12567-1: Determination of the thermal transmittance by the hot-box method - Complete windows and doors
- Acoustics - Performance of tests according to DIN EN ISO 10140: Measurement of sound insulation of components in the test bench
- Windows and doors - performance of tests according to DIN EN 1026: Determination of air permeability
- Windows and doors - Performance of tests according to DIN EN 1027: Determination of water tightness
- Windows and doors - Performance of tests according to DIN EN 12211: Determination of resistance to wind load
- Glass in building - Glass and airborne sound insulation: Determination of properties according to DIN EN 12758 (sound insulation properties only)
- Windows - Performance of tests according to DIN EN 14609: Determination of resistance to static torsion