Business activities cerification body:
- Inspection and certification of wood concrete composite slab with dowel-type fasteners according European Technical Assessment (ETA) based on EAD 130090-00-0303 (CE marking/ AVCP system 1)
- Inspection and certification of inserts for use in timber constructions according European Technical Assessment (ETA) based on EAD 130324-00-0603 (CE marking/ AVCP system 2+)
- Inspection and certification of systems of mechanically fastened flexible roof waterproofing membranes according European Technical Assessment (ETA) based on EAD 030351-00-0402 (CE marking/ AVCP System 2+)
- Inspection and Certification of three dimensional nailing plates according European Technical Assessment (ETA) based on EAD 130186-00-0603 (CE marking/ AVCP system 2+)
Business activities test laboratory:
The following tests on fasteners for use in timber constructions and other metallic fasteners respectively construction products can be carried out using HFB‘ s test equipment:
- Type Tests on dowel-type fasteners according to EN 14592 (CE marking/ AVCP system 3)
- tests according DIN EN ISO 10666: Drilling screws with tapping screw thread - mechanical and functional properties
- tests according DIN EN 383: Determination of embedment strength and foundation values for dowel type fasteners
- tests according DIN EN 409: Determination of the yield moment of dowel type fasteners
- tests according DIN EN 1382: Determination of withdrawal capacity of timber fasteners
- tests according DIN EN 1383: Test of pull through resistance of timber fasteners
- Performance of tests according DIN EN 15737: Determination of torsional resistance of driving in screws