Business activities certification body:
- Inspection and certification of wood-based panels according to EN 13986 (CE marking/ certification based on EN 13986/ AVCP systems 1 and 2+)
- Oriented Strand Boards (OSB) – EN 300
- Particleboards – EN 312
- Fibreboards – EN 622-1 bis -5
- Plywood – EN 636
- Cement-bonded particleboards – EN 634-1/-2
Among our customers as a certification body in the field of wood-based panels are numerous renowned manufacturers in Europe, South America and Asia.
- Inspection and certification of the production and quality of wood-based panels on a private or voluntary basis, in particular in cases where there is no legal or building authority obligation for external inspection and/ or certification of a construction product (consequences of the ECJ judgement/ still valid for actual or former national technical approvals for wood-based panels Z-9.1-...).
- Inspection and certification of Marine Plywood manufacturing based on BS1088:2018 on a private law basis.
In view of the increasing internationalisation, HFB cooperates with the testing institute PFS-TECO (Madison, Wisconsin/ USA) with regard to inspection services for wood-based panels and timber constructions for the US market.
Business activities test laboratory:
On the basis of its testing and measuring equipment, the HFB’ s lab is in a position to carry out virtually all essential mechanical, building physics and application technology tests on wood-based materials. This includes, among others:
- Mechanical tests (e.g. bending strength and modulus of elasticity according to EN 310, tensile, compressive, shear strength both in and perpendicular to the panel plane according to EN 789 as well as associated elasticity and shear moduli, transverse tensile strength according to EN 319 as well as according to cyclic test, swelling in thickness according to EN 317, embedment strength according to EN 383, bonding tests according to EN 314-1/ -2)
- Structural-physical tests (e.g. thermal performance according to EN 12667, dimensional change according to EN 318, water vapour transmission value according to EN 12086, creep factor according to EN 1156)
Application-technical tests: (e.g. impact resistance and strength and stiffness under point load according to EN 12871, EN 596 or EN 1195 for wall, floor and roof applications, air permeability of building components according to EN 12114) - Emission tests (e.g. formaldehyde release according to DIN EN ISO 12460-5)
- For manufacturers of wood-based panels according to EN 13986 who do not have the necessary technical testing prerequisites, HFB undertakes the Initial Tests (Type Testing/ TT) required for the verification of the performance properties within the scope of the certification of factory production control. This applies to the determination of characteristic strength and stiffness values according to EN 789/ EN 1058 and the testing of the performance properties for use as floor decking on joists, roof decking on joists and wallsheathing on studs (impact resistance, strength and stiffness under point load).
HFB’ s lab also acts as a laboratory designated by the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik Berlin (DIBt) to carry out tests within the scope of the issuance of General Building Inspectorate Approvals (ABZ) or European Technical Assessments (ETA) for timber constructions.
Within the framework of the procedures for issuing European Technical Assessments (ETA) for construction products, HFB also cooperates with other Technical Assessment Bodies (TAB) in Europe (e.g. ETA-Danmark A/S, OIB Vienna).